Will We Know the Truth in Time, Sir?
King Solomon, the human author of the Book of Ecclesiastes, observed that our lives here “under the sun”, our temporal enjoyments and pleasures, our loves, our accomplishments, our work, our gains and treasures, will all be lost and forgotten….in the end, just meaningless vanities scattered like dust in the winds of time.
Matthew McCullough, in his book “Remember Death”, examines the fleeting impermanence of our lives on earth as the irreversible crush of time carries us along to that inevitable end. He writes: “Death spreads its poison through everything we enjoy because nothing we enjoy is ours to keep. Time passes, things change, and eventually everyone loses everything they love.”
C.S. Lewis, in “A Grief Observed”, succinctly and poignantly noted that, “Time itself is one more name for death.”
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Will We Know the Truth in Time, Sir?
Time’s a deadly troublemaker….
Like an overwhelming wave.
Death is poison in the system…
And the situation’s grave.
We’ve been told “Well, that’s just nature…”
But it looks more like a curse.
Friend, The Juggernaut keeps rolling…
And The End can’t be reversed.
Just in time, we have our season…
Then at last, the damning spell.
Just in time, is there Redemption?
Do you think, sir, time will tell?
Might The End be somehow thwarted?
Might this darkness flee at dawn?
Might we find there Revelation?
Might the Light of Truth come on?
Is this loss we all must suffer
Bound by time’s futility?
Is there Someone with an answer?
Someone maybe with The Key?
Was there Someone who invaded…
Who like us was in the dock?
Is there Someone here with Good News?
Someone here Who beat the clock?
Has decay, sir, been defeated?
Has that stone been rolled away?
Will we know The Truth in time, sir?
Will Grace have the final say?
Will we turn, turn, turn to seek Him?
Will He override our pride?
Will we bow in time before Him
Who for us was crucified?
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“ Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.” -1 Peter 1:3-5