Mister Leopard, Change Your Spots
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” – Proverbs 16:18
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“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or a leopard its spots?
Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.” –Jeremiah 13:23
Mister Leopard, Change Your Spots
Cleanse your hands, high haughty sinner!
Mister Leopard, change your spots1!
Just obey the Lord’s requirements
Just be good.…..Give it a shot!
Cut yourself some slack, good buddy!
There’s no need to mourn2 at all.
Rich, young ruler, there’s no problem.
From up here, there is no fall!
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Join us…We know you can do it!
Keep on climbing higher, man….
Storm those righteous gates to Glory!
God will be your biggest fan!
Help God out through good, clean living,
Tip those Holy Justice scales!
Conjure up your own salvation…
Grace plus works….(It never fails!)
Just tell God, “Hey, man, I’ve got this!”…
That you’ve got this “Sin-Thing” beat.
Let Him know you’re not THAT bad, boy,
Up here in The Driver’s Seat.
Show God how you love your neighbor
Just as much as you love YOU!
Reassure God absolutely…
Proudly show Him that it’s true!
Let your “Good Intentions” guide you,
In the end, that’s all it takes.
Blessed be, and peace be with you.
Have no fear for Heaven’s sake3!
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Give us eyes, Lord, to see clearly…
Grace to see the ditch we’re in.
Help us mourn the tragic darkness…
The true nature of our sin.
Bless us with the gift of wisdom
Bring us quickly us to our knees.
Heal the prideful heart within us.
Take us, Lord, to Calvary.