He’s the Reason for the Season
In this day and age of secular and political correctness, doubt and encroaching faithlessness, we often see at Christmastime this reminder: “Jesus is the reason for the season”. Somewhere along the line….somewhere between Woodstock and Iraq…Frosty the Snowman and Miley Cyrus joined forces to begin trying to devour the meaning of Christmas.
It is sad that so many today need to be reminded that Jesus IS the “reason for the season”. That’s bad enough. But it is, I think, more needful to remind ourselves that in reality Jesus is much, much more than that…...

He’s the Reason for the Season
He's the Reason for the season,
He's the Reason for them all...
He made winter, summer, springtime,
And He came to fix the Fall.
He’s the Reason for the season,
Incarnation, Holy One…
He’s the seed of woman promised,
Born in Bethlehem… God’s Son
He’s the Truth the wise are seeking,
He’s the Reason wise men came…
He’s the Reason for the seasons,
In the darkness, He’s the flame.
He's the Reason for the seasons,
He's why seasons come and go....
He's Messiah in a manger…
He's the Reason that we know.
He's the Reason why there's reason,
He's the Reason why there’s right…
He’s the Reason why there’s healing,
And why sunshine chases night.
He’s the Reason for the seasons,
He’s the Comforter in pain…...
He's the Reason why there’s Mercy,
And the Grace to tame the vain.
He's the Reason for the seasons,
He’s the remedy for sin....
He's the Father’s Heir of Glory,
And He’s coming soon again.
He’s the Reason for the seasons,
He’s the Who of “How?” and “Why?”
He’s the Reason for rejoicing,
And for you and me He died.

“The Self-revealing of the Word is in every dimension - above, in creation; below, in the Incarnation; in the depth, in Hades; in the breadth, throughout the world. All things have been filled with the knowledge of God.”
—Athanasius of Alexander , On the Incarnation