
Hold Me Up to His Example

We’ve all seen it and heard it before: the persistent accusatory and judgmental finger-pointing aimed at the “hypocrisy of Christians”. It is the great skeptical dodge of those who dismiss the truth of the Christian gospel, because, “Well,” they say, “just look at those Christians! They’re nothing like the Jesus I’ve read about ! How DARE they persist in their proselytizing and annoying pronouncements! We can see right through their spiritual charade, their moral failures and their bogus ‘good news’ pomposity! I could never be a part of THAT!

“They’re all a bunch of hypocrites!“

For the most part, this predictable protestation is the time-tested, classic smokescreen of Self-preservation, spiritual evasion of the first order, and an indication that the Bible’s central message is right on target:

We are ALL sinners in desperate need of a Savior.

Hold Me Up to His Example

Please DO judge me next to Jesus,
Point that finger as you please.
I don’t measure up…I know that.
Good Lord, drive me to my knees.

Please DO measure me by Jesus,
God’s unblemished Lamb so pure…
Please Passover no sin in me,
Please be absolutely sure!

Please DO hold me to that Standard,
Make me poor in spirit1, friend.
Make me hunger to be righteous…
Make me thirst… then thirst again2.

Hold me up to Christ’s example,
Read me Romans, Chapter Three3.
Help this blind man get the picture…
By true Grace and Honesty.

Bring in Nathan if you have to4.
Please produce in me despair.
Make me mourn these filthy rags5, sir.
Please, my “feelings” do not spare.

Please expose each sin within me…
Yes, remind every day!
Shine His Light of Truth right through me…
Drive me home… the Narrow Way6.

"For God so loved the world...."

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted…. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they will be filled….” (Matthew 5: 3-6)

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?"
— 2 Corinthians 2: 13-15

1 Matthew 5:3

2 Matthew 5:6

3 Romans 3: 9-20

4 2Samuel 12: 1-7

5 Isaiah 64: 6

6 Matthew 7: 13-14

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